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A series of blogs by  Shanna Forrestall of Forrestall Consulting. 

If you can't breathe, I can't breathe.

If you’ve been following my work, you know that advocacy is not a new topic for me. I am grateful that the #blacklivesmatter and #endmassincarceration movement has been brought to the forefront, however, it’s unfortunate that it has taken more needless loss of life for that to happen.

As I seek new ways to support my friends and family who are POC … as we navigate our way through these trying times … I did what I always do and looked to artistic expression to help me find my voice on the matter. A Big THANK YOU to HMU Artist Maria Zavala and photographer Michael Whitehurst for helping this vision to come to life.

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Just like the #metoo movement triggered me because of past trauma, the #icantbreathe movement did as well. Being a survivor of sexual, emotional, physical and spiritual abuse I somewhat understand what that feels like - not being able to breathe. And, with all of the discord churning in our country, it reminded me once again that our focus should always be on love, compassion, empathy and recognizing how much more we are ALIKE than we are DIFFERENT.

We are intertwined.

When one of us can’t breathe well, none of us breathe well. I believe that when POC, women, LGBTQ, the disabled and all other people groups who are not always treated with equal grace stand TOGETHER, we will see true change.

I want you to know that whoever you are, I stand for your right to be treated with love, dignity and respect and to have equal opportunity. And I am so grateful for the white men and women across this country who are standing for true equality for all - you are courageous and you are needed.

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Together I believe we will find new ways to breathe … deeply.

Sincerely, Shanna

#blacklivesmatter #stopmassincarceration #criminaljusticereform

Learn more about my work at www.ForrestallConsulting.com.

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